Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.

Billionaires hate the very country and system that allowed them to accumulate so much wealth. They sit atop their fortunes looking down at the rest of us, lecturing us on how we should live. They have convinced themselves of their genius and we, the people that do all the work in this country, are supposed to sit back and admire every empty word that comes out of their mouths. The billionaire isn't happy just enjoying their wealth, they want to also be celebrated and admired for every aspect of how they live their lives. They are not content to be money makers they also want to be celebrity philosophers with fit bodies and youthful skin. I can imagine that having that much money taints every moment of their lives because, well, every moment isn't a grand expression of the world's love. Who am I to be spouting all these unsupported generalities? A former billionaire now living the life of a middleclass inflation created millionaire? Sad little billionaires roaming the Earth looking for love and respect they don't have to buy. Everything they touch must be tainted by money. Why is this lovely person listening to me and paying me so much attention? I've just said something that wouldn't get a seven-year-old a laugh but the whole room is breaking up. All things in excess become a great pain even great wealth. Perhaps the greatest pleasure of wealth is the act of giving it all away.  

And now, for the sake of more, more, more they have sold their souls to Trump who will soon be humiliating them. They are the dung eaters who will do anything for one more turn at the trough. 

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. -- Ecclesiastes