Wasted Life
For one, alcohol has received a free pass for the past 87 years since prohibition ended. Alcohol has been marketed as the most wonderful product, the perfect pairing to all of life's happenings. Get married? Drink! Get divorced? Drink! Graduate? Drink! Get/lose a job? Drink! Regardless of what happens in your life, alcohol is there to make the pain go away or add to the pleasure. That's the message we receive and, seemingly, the one we believe. But, alcohol destroys lives. Ruins marriages. Tears apart families. In fact, scratch the surface of most social issues and alcohol is sitting somewhere in the back of the room contributing to a great many of the problems. I don't know the precise statistics, but something like 40% of all violent crimes are alcohol related. Think about that for a minute. Hear people screaming in the middle of the night? Alcohol. What to do? For one, we could start to be honest about the drug we are dealing with.