Destroy the Machine -- Destroy the Store
We have to destroy the system that enslaves us to be consumers rather than citizens: members of a community. And on the opposite side, and with the same, but worse result, we have enslaved the producers that sit "chained" to their workbenches producing the consumer goods (shit) we have come to believe we need to consume. Our economic system does not want us (consumers and producers) to be a community loyal to our fellow human beings, our brothers and sisters, but rather a collection of human beings loyal to a particular brand or spectacle such as the super bowl, world cup, or academy awards. We consumers are tied to goods by our psychological need to belong, to compete, based upon the goods we purchase. This is the easy side of the equation. Competitive consumerism is nothing new. We are no longer people living together in a community, but rather economic entities with varying abilities to consume what we no longer produce. This system is unsustainable. How can we have consumption without production? How do we face the fact that millions, billions of our fellows must be enslaved, imprisoned, starved if they do not conform to our world of consumption.
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