Monday, December 27, 2004

Christian Nation?

How is it possible for the people of the US to perceive themselves as a Christian nation? Aren't some of the basic tenets of a Christian life forgiveness, charity and self-control? It seems to me that this country is completely out of control from weight to debt to sexual obsession.

If anything we are a consumer nation that jumps from one purchase to the next without any time for reflection or the development of a spiritual connection. From my experience most Americans are shallow and don't know the meaning of friendship or love. Americans value things and perception more than they value spirit and truth. They would rather look right than be right. Can anything in the description of an American be more revealing than the level of obesity and the ever increasing amount of personal debt? Isn’t a fat Christian kind of an oxymoron? Isn’t gluttony a sin we wear for everyone to see.

And how is it Christians are suddenly so obsessed with gays? What is up with that? It makes me wonder about those that protest so strongly; like what are they trying to hide? This is no Christian nation. We always proclaim the opposite of what is in our hearts. When we were the land of the free and the home of the brave we had millions of slaves.

Time for America to grow-up and put away the fries and start thinking beyond the next visit to the mall. I wish there could be a true Christian awakening in America but it will never happen because most people are too weak and too afraid of the truth.


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